Garden Design Process


Ginkgo Gardens’ 8-step garden design process will turn your dream garden into a striking and functional reality:

  • Consultation and Planning Visit

At this stage we will have a lot of questions! We’ll get a real sense of the vision by weighing up the budget, surveying the landscape, and assessing future grounds maintenance needs.

  • Drawings

After the initial meeting we’ll spend a week or two in the studio coming up with concepts. At a second meeting, we’ll bring sketches from our designers, scaled plan drawings, and elevations, to demonstrate our proposals.

  • Specification and Quotation

The specification is Ginkgo’s blueprint which gives everyone a clear schedule on how the garden design will be realised. It’s a full breakdown of every stage of the project with associated costs (including a budget sum for planting: this is the last stage of the project and flowers and plants usually demand a fair bit of discussion!)

  • Getting Ready

With the quotation agreed, we can fine-tune the planning details: you can expect a full time-scale of the project with target dates and daily working hours. We will always keep you fully informed about any changes and ensure there’s as little disruption to your routine as possible.

  • Day One

Day one is when we deconstruct the existing garden. This can be a nervous time for clients, so we double-check all the design measurements and lay clear markers in the site for the new design so you can see the desired plan starting to become reality.

  • The Build

The materials will be arriving now, and solid foundations for the new garden design will be put in place. Construction can then begin, with walls and steps usually coming first, garden features second, and fountains next. The final part will be any paved areas.

  • Planting

Now the fun can really begin! Planting is often the most stimulating and enjoyable step of the project as you start to see the garden design come to life. You will be itching to get the project finished and start using the garden.

  • Completion!

Everything is tidied and swept, building materials are long-gone and final quality checks have been made. We present the beautifully designed, expertly constructed new garden. This is a rewarding time for our team, too. Every garden is different and it’s great, having overcome the various challenges each one presents, to see the results of our hard work.

  • Maintenance

We help clients to keep up with grounds maintenance requirements easily by providing a tailored schedule and quotation for future services. We will also provide key after-care notes and are ready to answer any further questions you might have about maintaining your new garden design.


Finally: Ginkgo’s guarantee

At Ginkgo we are meticulous about the design process in order to ensure the completed garden design is not only the best of the client’s vision but also serves them functionally on all levels. We produce beautiful, inspiring gardens which compliment the surrounding architecture and can be enjoyed for years to come.


Enquire about our Garden Design Process services

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